
Job Seeker Services

Employ BR provides free access to computers and high-speed internet for customers to check job openings, create and email resumes to employers, and/or take aptitude tests. Also available are copiers, printers, and fax machines for other job related needs.

We’re focused on helping you land the right career as quickly as possible. Whether you’re looking for a career or planning a career change, we can help.


Career Development

Learn about in-demand jobs. Update your résumé. Explore training programs, education, and scholarships. Discover your strengths, define your objectives, and gain skills.


Explore immediate career opportunities with employers seeking qualified candidates to fill current vacancies.

Supportive Services

Assistance (i.e. transportation, childcare, etc.) offered to enable individuals to complete training, gain, or retain employment.


Job readiness and life skills workshops are available on a variety of helpful topics.


Find out what kind of job you are prepared for based on your current academic skills and work readiness levels through self-directed and staff administered comprehensive assessments.

My Life. My Way.

Other services we offer:

Resource Library

Take advantage of our extensive collection of books and reference materials to enhance job search efforts.

Special Populations

We offer targeted programs for senior workers, veterans, and at-risk youth. We are focused on helping you land the right job as quickly as possible. Whether you are looking for a job or planning a career change, we can help.

Career Counseling

Counseling services are available for people just starting a career, people considering a career change, and people who have recently been laid off.

Your future is our business. Contact us about your future today!


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    City of Baton Rouge