
Job Seeker Assessments


Self-directed Assessments

Career Explorer: a variety of assessments that will determine the occupations that best suit you based on the chosen criterion.

Match Your Skills: identifies your skills and provides various occupations that match.

Match Your Occupation: finds occupations that are similar to employment previously or currently held based on skills/abilities, work environment and work activities.

Match Your work Interests and Work Values: explore the types of activities you like and what’s important to you in a job and view matching occupations.

Career Informer: used to research information on a specific occupation.

Occupational Comparison: compare wages, education, job duties, etc. of selected occupations.

Occupational Summary: allows you to generate a customized report on a selected occupation.


Staff-Administered Comprehensive Assessments

TABE: testing of Adult Basic Education (TABE) is a comprehensive academic assessment that evaluate math, reading, and language levels.



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